You would not believe the fun I had with these girls!
This group of friends are joined at the hip and have been for years. They are such great girls and it was fun to see their personalites shine through in these pictures.

They requested that we blast some "mood music" during their shoot, which was so much fun and resulted in many a spontanteous dance party. :) Thank you Justin Beiber.
Um... seriously? I am just unbelievably impressed that she can do this!
And this!!!
Hanging with these girls brought back so many memories for me. It seems like it wasn't that long ago that I was in their shoes. I kept thinking about how much I would have LOVED to have pictures of me and my group of friends like this.
And by the way, is it really fair for every single one of these girls to look this gorgeous!? No. It is not.
Thanks for a fun night girls!